Effective & important habits of Prayers – Listening well!

Merits of Listening well!
His Holiness Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji says, “ Over the past multitudes of our births, our minds have been turned towards and trained over external affairs alone without focusing inwards into each of our minds and souls where divinity resides. Most of us who commit any sort of mistakes know very well what we are doing. Still we are not able to avoid committing them, just due to the reason that we are habituated thus. On just hearing travel anecdotes from a friend who has visited a new place, don’t we also feel like travelling there? Similarly it is true that we are influenced by what we hear and read about. Even more influential than reading and seeing, is the effect of listening about something more influential on our minds. So we should invest in listening more about Godly things and Mahatmas. Such listening is called Sravanam (Sanskrit).
It is not sufficient that we just listen to stories and aspects of divinity just once or twice. Then our minds will just hold onto the goodness for just a while and then run outwards again towards the world. Continuous Sravanam – Exercise of listening of divine aspects and stories – is essential to train our minds to linger more and more and permanently with divinity.
Sravanam is one of the nine forms of Bhakthi – developing loving faith, towards the Lord. We find in our Puranas (ancient holy texts) that Kind Parikshit attained Moksha just by performing Sravanam. It is wrong to hear from those who keep speaking unnecessary things. It is also wrong not to hear from those who are talking the right things. God has bestowed humans with a unique mode of communication – speech! Why? It is for us to use our this speech faculties to keep talking and celebrating the Lord, and thus attain Him. For this we shall all receive the blessings of Goddess Sri Saraswati.”
Hear this song that expounds the loftiest concepts of Sravanam (in Tamil):
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Kadai keLu kadai keLu
SadA hari kadayai nee keLu
bhakti viraktiyuDan kadai solbavariDam
shraddhA bhaktiyuDan kadai keLu
dharmAvathAramAna rAmanin kadaiyayum
leelAvathAramAna krishNanin kadaiyayum
hariyin avatAra kadaigaLayum - hari
dAsargaLin kadaigaLayum keLu
kadaiyil kettadai karutthinil konDu
manadil ninaithu keerthanam pAdu
gnAna bhakthi virakthi vaLarndu
thureeya nilayai durithathil aDaiya
aTTAnga yogatthin uththama palanaiyum
thaTTAmal neeyum aDaindiDave
kashTam vilagi ishTam kaikooDa
kAlathai nashTamAkkAmal kadai keLu
kavalaiyai pOkki amaidhi nalgiDum
avala nilai pOkki Anandam aLithiDum
thuvaLum manadai thulliDa seidhiDum
pavaLa vAyan ivan kadai keLu
To listen to more such songs online : visit http://www.madhuragitam.org
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